Finding and purchasing a used car is a daunting task. Most people do not know what to look for when buying used cars. They are unsure of what to ask the seller, how to evaluate the vehicle, or where they should trust their purchase. The best way to avoid buying a lemon is by knowing your options and being able to identify good quality used cars in rancho cordova that are in reliable condition.
Inspect the Battery
Most car batteries are replaceable, but it is a good idea to check on the battery before purchase. It should have at least three-quarters of a tank full of electrolyte. If the battery has less than one-fourth of a tank, you know it is already in bad condition and may be used up pretty quickly. The electrolyte levels should be even in both sides of the battery; meaning if one side is slightly higher than the other, you may want to avoid that battery because it could be a sign of corrosion. A brand new battery will cost $200-$300, so saving some money on this part is crucial.
Inspect the Car
Check underneath the car for any major rust issues. Rust can be a huge sign of prior damage to the car, so check to make sure there isn’t any visible signs of rust beneath or around the body. Look under the hood and look over all fasteners around and underneath. You should also check out all fluid levels in the engine and transmission; if there are signs of excessive leakage in any of these areas, it may be time for a new car. Determining if a used car is already damaged is a difficult process that requires an inspection from someone who knows what to look for.
Get the Car’s History
Before you even inspect the actual car, you should know what kind of history the vehicle has. This can be done through a Vehicle History Report or VHR. This report will tell you whether the car has been in any kind of accident and if it has been salvaged. It may have been flooded or had any other major problems that make it not safe to drive, so this is an important step before buying a vehicle that could potentially be unsafe to drive on its own.
Get Estimates for Repairs
If there are any damages that need to be repaired before driving a car off the lot, get estimates from repair shops on how much it would cost to fix them and by who.